Master Gardeners Angelina Lai and Karen Palmer will offer a presentation on how the changing climate affects pollinators and the plants upon which they (and we) depend. They'll offer ideas on steps you can take to help. The workshop is 6 to 7:30 p.m. June 4 at Luke Jensen Sports Complex Bud Van Cleve Community […]
The Fort Vancouver Rose Society will feature "all things Rose Show" at its June 6 membership meeting, 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall at St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Novice and expert rose exhibitors are welcome to attend. Attendees will prepare exhibitors for the 69th Annual Fort Vancouver Rose Society Rose Show on June 29 at […]
Led by Japan Institute of Portland Japanese Garden, public gardens around the world will present the collaborative installation, "Spread Peace: Wish Tree by Yoko Ono," June 7-10 in the Cultural […]
Led by Japan Institute of Portland Japanese Garden, public gardens around the world will present the collaborative installation, "Spread Peace: Wish Tree by Yoko Ono," June 7-10 in the Cultural Village at Portland Japanese Garden, 611 SW Kingston Ave., Portland. The Wish Tree will show simultaneously from June 7-10 at the U.S., Keihanna Commemorative Garden […]
Volunteers are needed to gather to clip prune tree suckers and pull weeds from 10 a.m. to noon June 8 at the Jane Weber Evergreen Arboretum, 9215 S.E. Evergreen Highway, Vancouver. Work in the garden will be followed with social time and treats.