Event Series Guided Tours at Columbia Springs

Guided Tours of Columbia Springs

Columbia Springs 12208 SE Evergreen Hwy, Vancouver

Columbia Springs hosts free guided tours of its trout hatchery and natural areas from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month from April through September. RSVP by registering at https://www.columbiasprings.org/2024-guidedtours. Meet at 12208 S.E. Evergreen Highway, Vancouver. Wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather.

Sons and Daughters of Italy Bocce Ball

Vancouver Elks Lodge #823 11605 S.E. McGillivray Blvd., Vancouver

The Sons and Daughters of Italy hosts weekly bocce ball meets every Wednesday (weather permitting) at Vancouver Elks Lodge, located at 11605 S.E. McGillvray Blvd., starting at 5:30 p.m. Event is free and open to all ages and skill levels. For more information, call 360-521-5584.